Bond's Story in 21, 23, 25

By Gussalufz
The Hindu Cryptic #13,695, Thursday, October 27, 2022
1a. But holding a long stick, she tries to stay stable (8)
Squares filled: 0/153
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Webifi Ⓒ 2022 Viresh Ratnakar

1But holding a long stick, she tries to stay stable (8)
6Revolutionary tombstone inscription in place for soul (6)
9Judge starts to upbraid defence over defence strategy (4)
10According to reactionary: have sex without protections, heartily, to fill a place with people again (10)
11Positive spin applied to the disputed clip (6)
12As discussed, issue suggests systematic studies (8)
13One full of oneself somehow insists upon taking control of narrative (10)
15Notice the heads up display terminals! (4)
17After retirement, secretly date zombie character (4)
18Bradman set to be replaced as players' leader (10)
20Regularly does so at each end—turns late! (8)
22Dr. exchanged worn-out knife (6)
24Unrestricted exchange of gold stopping rapid slump (4-3-3)
26On vacation, right to bump one off? (4)
27These animals? They're on cars every now and then! (6)
28Acquired a welcoming, fancy, nice, large estate (8)

2Patiala's queen set to lose spectacular site and lose control of automobile (9)
3Amino fluid oddly used as sauce? (5)
4These Olympiansthey may be seen in hair salons! (7)
5Cutting from liquor, I paid rent (3)
6Bribe's breaking new ground at 50%, one argues (7)
7Perhaps sand is primarily littered all around their terrain, essentially? (9)
8Ripped textile, discovered fibre (5)
12Exposed innards of the menace rising to smother monarch (7)
14Christmas is back—came earlier, around the end of March (it changes frequently) (9)
16Pet of Spooner's not on leash, expressed satisfaction (9)
18Works on vacation, chasing top Oscar awards (7)
19Note: before 100, toy with a sex change (6,1)
21Getting rid of husband? Pay attention to discontented lady ahead of her time ... (5)
23... Good republican husband killed in own churchyard plot (5)
25... Burnt remains of second husband found under a tree (3)